
The New Data Spaces for the Social Sciences programme aims to drive a surge in innovation by improving, enhancing and combining existing panel data infrastructures and emerging data sources to develop new data spaces for social science research. It integrates and consolidates skills, knowledge and expertise from different fields of empirical social research and computer science and provides the means to test new methods and procedures of data generation and data analytics.

New Data Spaces

The programme’s objectives are twofold:

(1) Develop best-practice examples of data generation, data collection and data integration to enhance data quality.
(2) Anchor innovations in existing panel studies, new data collection programmes and data analytic approaches.

Learn more about the programme.

It is managed by the Programme Committee, consisting of Prof. Dr. Cordula Artelt (Spokesperson), Prof. Dr. Corinna Kleinert, Prof. Dr. Reinhard Pollak, Prof. Dr. Stefan Liebig, and Prof. Dr. Alexander Mehler, and the Managing Director Anika Schenck-Fontaine.

Find out more about the people in the programme.

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