The research projects of the programme are supported by organisational and infrastructure measures: CONNECT, the coordination and management project, and Research Infrastructure & Innovation Lab (ENTAILab), the core infrastructural service and research center.
The Programme Speaker and the Programme Committee, with the Managing Director, lead and coordinate ENTAILab and are responsible for organising the joint activities of the New Data Spaces programme.
An Extended Steering Group, formed of Principal Investigators of the New Data Spaces research projects guides future directions of the project. The Scientific Advisory Board, consisting of renowned international researchers, evaluates and advises.
Prof. Dr. Cordula Artelt
Prof. Dr. Corinna Kleinert
Prof. Dr. Stefan Liebig
Prof. Dr. Alexander Mehler
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Pollak
Dr. Anika Schenck-Fontaine
Julia Spörlein
Build on and Develop Existing Panel Studies
Prof. Dr. Sabine Zinn
Rebecca Scheffauer
Research-Driven Infrastructure for Advanced Survey-Related Data (CIRCLET)
Kevin Bönisch
Data Protection and Ethics
Results for Future Data Spaces and Open Science
Ali Woodhouse
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